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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Set - 3

1.    The world's first super computer --> Cray I
2.    BING is the search engine of which company --> Microsoft
3.    The author of one night @ call center is --> Chethan Bhagath
4.    The full form of LOGO --> Logic oriented Graphic oriented
5.    Who is known as the worlds first Programmer --> Lady Ada Lovelace
6.    X Box is the product of which company --> Microsoft
7.    UBUNTU os belongs to which company --> Canonical
8.    Expand GNOME --> Gnu Network Object model environment
9.    The Netbook 'Aspire One' belongs to which company --> Acer
10.    8 bits are called bytes, what are 4 bits called? --> Nibble

Monday, 9 June 2014

Set - 2

1.    Saif Ali khan is the brand ambassador of which chinese giant --> Lenovo
2.    The Fullform of LG is. --> Lucky Goldstar
3.    Whose tag line is "Do the new" --> Tata Docomo
4.    The full form of LED --> Light Emitting Diode
5.    Which country's top level domain is .lk --> Sri Lanka
6.    The top level Domain .tv belongs to which country --> Tuvalu
7.    Expand TLD --> Top Level Domain
8.    Expand BIOS --> Basic Input Output System
9.    The turing award is given by --> ACM(Association for computer Machinery)
10.    Full form of bit --> Binary digit

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Set - 1

1.    The popular website owned by Obvious Corp. --> Twitter
2.    The Company called as Big Blue. --> IBM
3.    The worlds first program controlled computer, the Z1 computer was built by --> Konrad Zuse
4.    .gb is the top level domain of which country --> Great Britain
5.    The full form of USB is --> Universal Serial Bus
6.    Which company makes the blackberry phones --> RIM(Research in motion)
7.    What is the name of first virus. --> Brain Virus
8.    The full form of virus --> Vital Information Resourced Under Siege
9.    Which companys product is auto CAD --> Auto Desk
10.    Full form of VAN --> Value Added Network